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Poiab . • 30 January 2025

Embrace your inner HOT WOMAN by being bold, confident, and not giving a damn! 

Hey hey all! Happy second week of July! I feel like it’s been forever since I last wrote my blog. First of all, I would like to update you on why it’s been two weeks since I last posted. Unfortunately, I got sick during the last week of June. This took a toll on me. I made the conscious decision to rest, take time for myself, and to really reset myself. Last week was the week of the 4th and I wanted to take some time to rest  and spend time with family. 

I don’t know about you all but when the 4th of July is celebrated, I feel like summer is already halfway over! Funny, as I grow older,  the days may seem long but the years go by fast. I don’t know about you but when I think of this, it means that I shouldn't wait. You think you have all the time in the world and suddenly it’s been several years and you’re still in the same situation. Ladies, whatever it is that you want to do, please don’t wait. DO IT NOW! 

Speaking of doing it now and being the summer, I don’t know about you all, but as a girl growing up in the 90’s, it was so hard to be authentic and real. Even now in 2024, some of us may still carry some of those scars, negativity, and traumas that told us that we didn’t have the perfect body or that we were “brave” to do something that was out of the ordinary simply because we are women who may not check the boxes that society has given us. 

Sadly, even in 2024, society still tries to box women to check marks in a box to scare us into thinking that we are not good enough, we’re not meeting deadlines fast enough, and to gaslight us to make us think we’re crazy for wanting something different than the boxes that they have created for us. Simply, boxes were created to control and for us to not deviate from what others want for us. 

To be a woman in 2024 who is over the age of 25, who is not a size 2, who is not married, who loves herself, values who she is, and takes no BS is considered “brave.” I guess we’re all brave for simply being a woman! I recall so many TV shows during the late 90s and 2000s who would tell girls/women who were not sample sizes that “you can only wear black because it slims you,” or don’t have that haircut because it makes your face “too round” or that you can’t shop at a particular store because their clothes are only for “skinny” people or don’t eat carbs because they’re “bad for you.”  Notice all these rules? Now that I think of it, why were there so many damn rules for us? No wonder why so many of us are still trying to heal from our past! 

Well, since it is 2024, I AM DONE WITH RULES!  I am done with society’s, unhealed men, and other unimportant people’s opinions about how I should be as a woman in this day in age. I am going to check my own boxes (previous blog that I wrote about), wear whatever the fuck I want, do the things that I always dreamed of, and live the life that I know is best for me. 

Some of you may or may not have heard HOT GIRL SUMMER. This term is relatively new and it was aimed at young women (college age and up) to empower them to explore their sexuality, confidence, have fun, and live boldly!  Summer tends to bring out the fun, happiness, and boldness in many of us. However, summer has also held a lot of us back too due to things that society deemed that unconventional girls/women  couldn’t do, wear,  or be simply because we didn’t meet their standards of what a “hot girl” is. 

Well, FUCK THAT! My queens, if you haven’t already, let’s embrace our  HOT WOMAN SUMMER!  I call it WOMAN summer because it’s about embracing the confidence of being a woman who is no longer looking for external validation. As a girl and a young woman, too many of us were still looking for external validation to make us feel good about ourselves. As a woman, we DON’T need other people’s opinions to make us feel good. We know that we are damn FABULOUS and WE VALIDATE OURSELVES! 

So, let’s embrace our HOT WOMAN SUMMER by doing the following: 

  • Body Acceptance: Ladies, I know this one is hard for a lot of us. Learn to appreciate your body for what it is! We don’t know how to appreciate our bodies until we lose functioning. Our bodies change as we grow older! This was very hard for me when I became 40. All the things that used to work in my 20’s and 30’s, didn’t work for me anymore. I worked on what I had to and I appreciate and embrace my body as it is. Celebrate your body! 

  • Dress for Yourself: How many of us at one point in our lives have heard, “You're too old to wear that” or “You’re too big to wear that,” or “that color doesn’t look right on you.” Ladies, WEAR WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT! You have not come this far in life to be told what to wear. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident. Choose outfits that reflect your personal style and make you feel attractive and ROCK IT! 

  • Positive Self-Talk: You’ve heard me say this before and I’ll say it again. Your outside appearance can only take you so far. You can look hot as hell  on the outside but if on the inside, your mental health hasn’t had it’s glow up, it’s going to show on how you act, you react, and the patterns that keep showing up.  You have to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations, focus on your strengths,  achievements, and what you are proud of! 

  • Self-Care Routine: Being a HOT WOMAN is all about prioritizing your self-care. Do things that make you feel good about yourself, such as skincare, exercise, putting (or not) putting on make-up, and participating in hobbies that you enjoy.

  • Positive Relationships: Confession time: As a hot girl in her 20’s and 30’s, I wasted time on people who were hot on the outside but damn, were they jerks! I wasted so much of my energy and time with people who brought out the hotness but also the biggest insecurities in me. Luckily, I learned, moved on, and will no longer tolerate shit like that.  So, being a HOT WOMAN means  spending time with people who uplift, support, and believe in YOU. Be aware, when you become a HOT WOMAN, you will have haters and it’s best to avoid those who bring negativity and hate into your life.

  • Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Be BOLD and step out of your comfort zone!  Challenge yourself by doing something new and something that scares the SHIT out of you.  Being BOLD, taking small steps, and celebrating those successes, will help build your confidence. Nothing holds you back as a HOT WOMAN! 

There you have it ladies. A few steps in helping you embrace your  HOT WOMAN SUMMER! Doesn’t it sound fun, thrilling, and full of acceptance? Being a HOT WOMAN is not about looking it’s about BEING and ACCEPTING.  It’s more about your mental than your physical. It’s all about confidence and OWNING  who you are. 

Ladies, forging your path means owning who you are and your journey. It will be filled with ups and downs but it also means embracing your authentic self, your flaws, and continuing to work on areas that you  would like to improve on. You can be the WOMAN of your dreams by owning that you are a HOT WOMAN who knows her worth, value, and will continue to be beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside also! So OWN being a HOT WOMAN!!!

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