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Your Own Pathway

Empowerment Life Coaching

Empowerment Life Coaching

Create YOUR Reality

You’re a person who has tried to live by the rules both professionally and personally but find that you’re stuck, unhappy, and settled for a mediocre life that is keeping you from living the life that you want. You tell yourself that you’re staying at your shitty dead end job for the benefits, pay, security, and predictability. Everyone tells you, “you should be grateful to have your job and your life!” But you don’t feel fucken grateful. You HATE IT.

You wake up everyday and think to yourself, “Is this it? Is this what I am supposed to do for the rest of my life? Do the same shit over and over until I can maybe retire and eventually die?” You want to call out these shitty thoughts and feelings, but the people around you will tell you that “that’s just how life is or that’s why the real world works” so you keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself in fear that you’ll be judged, shamed, or called crazy. So you dutifully wake up everyday and tell yourself to stop dreaming.

You don’t intend to wish your life away but that’s exactly what you’re doing. You still have dreams of owning your time, being your own boss, taking vacations without waiting for approval, and being able to take care of yourself and your family when needed. You think, is this possible? Is this all just a dream? Is this all just wishful thinking before returning to reality?

At , I am here to help you turn those dreams into reality so you can LIVE IN YOUR REALITY; to tell you that yes, you can create a life where you are excited to get up every day, where your reality is what YOU want, and live the life that  you know you deserve.

We will work together to identify the blocking beliefs that create barriers for you and most importantly improve your  mindset. Afterwards, we create a plan that includes what is most important to you, your values, goals, and the life that you want to create for yourself.

Will it be easy? No. This may be one of the hardest things you ever do. It will take a lot of work, accountability, and a change of mindset. That’s why I’m here to empower you to  own your own path  in life and be with you every step of the way!

If you are ready to create a life where you wake up every day happy, blessed with abundance, and be present in your day-to-day life instead of languishing and regretting your life choices, I’m here to help you dream and achieve it. Don’t let fear and failure stop you from owning your pathway! Are you READY to OWN IT?

The first step in doing this is to schedule a virtual call with Poiab Vue, whose purpose is to empower people like you who are ready to forge their path. Are you ready to OWN IT?

Contact Poiab To Start Your Path!

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