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Your Own Pathway

Organizational Leadership Consulting

Focusing on the Human Being and not just the Human Doing

Let’s be real here. People don’t quit jobs. They quit bosses and companies. Employers try to retain their employees through ridiculous rules, and expectations; while employees experience a lack of empathy, burnout, abuse, and basic humanity. Yet, we all wonder why people are quitting their jobs in doves.

When employers think employees are replaceable, they make rash decisions, such as firing individuals, putting them on professional improvement plans (PIPS), or being demoted while requiring company loyalty from employees. This is why people quit their bosses, not jobs. Employees are experiencing stress, trauma, anxiety, sleepless nights, and unexplained physical ailments and due to this, they are unable to complete the responsibilities of their jobs.

Whether you are a startup or a Fortune 500 company, investing in your employees and providing them with both tangible and intangible benefits are necessary if you want to keep your top talent and decrease company turnover. It is excruciating for companies to hear that people don’t quit their jobs, they quit their supervisors.

If you’re a company that is puzzled or questioning why there is an increase in turnover, it could be a number of things but there is a guarantee that lack of leadership support is rated as one of the top reasons. One of the hardest things for a company to do is admit that there needs to be change. Change is hard, change means shedding the previous ways, and acknowledging that it’s no longer working; change will require adaptability and accountability.

Book a free virtual consulting session with Poiab if you are:

  • An established company that is ready to shed and transition into a new and healthier company that focuses on the well-being of their employees.
  • A startup company that wants to start on the right path with their founder and team members by ensuring open, honest, and clarity on business goals, vision, and values.
  • Management teams within a larger business system that are needing wellness and emotional support to ensure that middle management is not just physically but emotionally present to lead their teams.

Remember, the most important asset in a business are it's people! If businesses doesn't invest in their people,  there is a lack of return in investment! It’s all about the Human Being and not just the Human Doing in order for a business to thrive.

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