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Poiab . • 30 January 2025


Hey FAll Babes! I hope you are all enjoying the October weather! I am embracing this weather by having my windows open, sleeping with my cozy blankets, drinking my pumpkin spice coffee, sitting in silence, and journaling each morning while I sip a cup of tea or coffee (I drink tea when I run out of coffee in the morning). The mornings are getting darker too since one of the things I cherish doing is sitting on the couch in my office to just embrace the silence of the morning as I hear the bird chirps, squirrels arguing with each other, and the occasional car speeding (likely late on their way to work or rushing to get their morning latte to face their day). 

As I sit here and write this week’s blog, I noticed that many of the tree leaves are still green. They are a slight few leaves where the colors are starting to change. Regardless, I know eventually they will all turn into bright hues of brown, yellow, and orange to signify their end, will fall, the trees will be bare, and winter will come. 

Many people view spring and summer as the seasons of life. However, I view Fall as the season of my life. I think I feel this way because I still see my life as a child or a college student who is getting ready to embrace the new year ahead.  For some reason, the Fall seems to be the time when things end and new beginnings occur for me. I  don’t know if this correlates with my birthday or the metaphor of what Fall stands for. 

I love Fall and especially October because once this month ends,  there’s a rush of the holidays and what feels like never ending demands and obligations that need to be attended to.  This is the month before the rush and then…winter hits. For us who live in the colder parts of the country, just hearing that “W” word gives us a sense of dread of what is to come. 

But before we even consider the holidays and winter, let’s stay in the present and embrace Fall and HALLOWEEN!! This is a fun month and so is this week’s blog. I want to make it more fun and less heavy on the emotions that have been present in the previous blogs that I have written. I’m not going to lie, the previous weeks have been more emotionally vulnerable as it focused on the transitions, transformations, and the metamorphoses of life. 

This week, let’s embrace being a COOL, FALL, LADY! To me, being a cool, Fall lady means it’s time to shed my summer wardrobe (I love my open toe shoes and will wear them until it gets way too cold to wear them), put on my dark shades of lipstick (I love all my types of red), and my favorite cardigans! Since I work remotely, my daily wardrobe consists of a comfortable pair of sweatpants, a nice t-shirt, and a warm cardigan. What is your favorite fall outfit? 

Mentally for me, Fall signifies slowing down, grounding myself, and surrounding myself with comfort, peace, and solitude. To nourish my well-being by going for long walks, literally smelling the flowers (that are still around), sitting down on a bench to just soak everything in, and give thanks for all the blessings and abundance in my life. 

This time of the year is either full of Fall allergies, colds and flu, or COVID. So, it’s important to take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest, having your up to date immunizations, and keeping up your hydration. As always, listen to your body and take rest and breaks as needed! 

So, what other things should you take into consideration as we welcome the Fall season?  The following are a few things a COOL, FALL, LADY like yourself can embrace: 

  • Outdoor Exercise: This is one of my favorite parts of Fall! The crisp air is perfect for hiking, jogging, or brisk walks. No more sweating the moment I go outside, no more asking myself if I should have just stayed in the cool air conditioning instead of punishing myself in the humidity.  I love being outdoors in the cool air as I embrace the beauty of fall foliage. 

  • Seasonal Decor: You know what they say, “there’s no place like home,” and when you make your home all cozy, you don’t ever want to leave! You just want to stay in and bask in your home, especially on a weekend with no plans. To make your home cozier, you can add touches of things  like blankets, pillows, or fall-scented candles (pumpkin spice, cinnamon, cedar) to enhance your surroundings and be in peace. 

  • Unplug and Relax: Speaking of cozy and comfortable, when you’re at home and at peace, dedicate your time by unwinding  with a good book, a fall movie, or journaling to rest your mind. The mornings are dark and days are getting shorter signaling that it’s time to rewind.  I don’t know about all of you but I’m ready to wind down by 7pm with a cup of tea and a good crime series to binge! 

  • Seasonal Reflection: Fall is a natural time for introspection and reflection.  As  I stated previously, Fall can be the start of the busy season for many people and thus, it’s the perfect time to check in with your emotions and energy levels to ensure you’re not overextending yourself. 

  •  Boundaries: Of course I had to add this one! Implementing your boundaries is essential since so many people get excited about activities in the Fall. There are so many things that people want to do, events to attend, along with Fall/Halloween activities. Remember to set and reinforce healthy boundaries to avoid burnout and give yourself time to recharge.

  • Sleep Routine: Oh sleep! We can never get enough sleep and during this time of the year, as daylight fades earlier, adjusting your sleep schedule to align with the season is a must; ideally aim for 7-9 hours of sleep. Sleep is a natural healer that we don’t give enough credit to on how it impacts our day to day life and how it helps us show up. 

There you have it! A few things to embrace as a COOL, FALL, LADY.  Remember, this is a small list so if there were things that were not added,  feel free to add anything to your list that you embrace during this crisp season! 

As always, being a COOL, FALL, LADY also means embracing who you are and being comfortable when you layer your clothes to stay warm. It’s also about bringing out the best in you through your style,  authenticity through the colors you choose to represent in your make-up (or lack of), and just being YOU. 

Fall Babes, you see me repeat this in almost every blog I write, being a
COOL, FALL, LADY, is also about BEING and not always DOING.  Being cool also means taking plenty of rest and just not doing a damn thing! Part of forging your own path and owning it means being COOL by not giving a damn and doing whatever the F you want or don’t want. So, LADIES, STAY COOL AND OWN YOUR COOLNESS! 

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