Happy second week of December! BRR! It’s been cold here in Minnesota with all the winds! Even though it’s cold, I have to confess, I am sleeping way better than I did in the hot summer months so I am reframing this cold weather as a negativity and appreciating the positive by stating that my sleep has improved with the colder weather. I’ll take this as a win!
Now that we are in the holiday season, how are you all feeling and doing? I know that many people are probably feeling tired, exhausted, overwhelmed, and just ready to rest. Again, remember to have your B’s (Boundaries)! Even though last week’s blog discussed having boundaries during the holidays, the boundaries that were talked about do not have to only be reinforced during the holidays. These boundaries can be implemented throughout the year!
As the year comes to an end, most of us reflect on our year and how things went. We assess the positive, the difficulties, the WTF’s, and the I’m soo DONE with 2024! In my conversations with people (both professionally and personally), the majority have indicated that this year has been a very challenging year due to life circumstances, the economy, the future of this country, and just feeling very defeated overall.
It’s very easy to feel lost, defeated, helpless, and hopeless. Sometimes, it’s easier and safer to just give into the negativity, remain a victim of your circumstances, be angry at the world, and the people who you believed did you wrong.
Once you start on this path, it can be very difficult to come back from. Blaming others, lacking accountability, not believing that you need to improve, learn, or grow, is going to set you back in many areas of your life.
When you choose low vibration, low quality, anger, and choose to remain a victim, unfortunately, you will also attract what you put out. When you’re feeling this way, you attract what you believe you deserve.
Now, I’m not going to sugar coat and pretend everything is fine. The world is going to SHITS right now and A LOT of it is beyond YOUR CONTROL. If you have been reading my blog, you will also notice that besides talking about boundaries, I also emphasize and question all my readers to ask themselves, “what is in your control?” If anything is beyond your control, it’s better to leave it, and focus on areas of your life that are within your control.
When you start to focus on what you can control, you begin to realize how much is actually within your control, and how much POWER you do have over your life. That’s when you realize that you can do amazing things when you have the MINDSET.
Your MINSET is everything. One of the things that I work with my clients on is having the type of mindset that focuses on empowerment. When a person empowers themselves instead of having limiting beliefs (we all tend to have limited thinking and beliefs at the beginning of our journey), they begin to believe, have compassion, and reframe their thoughts, and experiences from failure/s to asking themselves, “what did I learn about myself from this experience,” as part of their growth process.
Your decisions, your power, your control, and your mindset are the ultimate pieces that contribute to your GLOW UP. Now, I know some of you will say, “Well Poiab! What about fillers, ozempic, and botox? So many people use those to help them glow up and it works! Isn’t looking HOT is what it’s all about?” If a person looks hot, that’s all that matters right?
Look, I don’t judge. If you are a person who chooses to use the above as part of your physical glow up, go right ahead. I have no doubt that looking great is part of many people’s glow up but I’m talking about the internal glow up that has an aura that shines where people have done and continue to do their INTERNAL work. The truth is, botox, fillers, ozempic, a big butt, and having a toned body can only take you so far. If you haven’t done your internal work, having all the above won’t matter; as a matter of fact, that could be part of someone’s mask, trying to hide whatever internal and unhealed wounds that haven’t been worked on by masking that they have perfection.
How many of us have walked in a crowd and seen this amazing, vibrant, woman, just walking by, minding her own business, and thought, “WOW! What’s her secret?”; or have others from your past or current acquaintances who you haven’t seen for a while see you again and tell you “Wow! You look amazing! There’s a GLOW to you! What did you do?!”
The truth is, you took your power back, and decided that you will no longer allow others, past hurt, and pain to keep you captive and stuck. You are no longer a diamond in the rough. Instead, you empowered yourself to be an expensive and rare jewel, who knows their worth, and created boundaries where only the best have access to you at your permission.
Essentially, you my dear, are shining bright like a DIAMOND. You are shining bright because your unique light has the power to transform not only your life but also the world around you. Here’s what happens when you embrace the brightness:
There you have it darlings! Remember, shining brightly goes beyond the external and focuses on the internal shine and aura that shows who YOU are as a person. It's about the internal part of you that includes your emotional, psychological, and most importantly, your spiritual.
When you forge your own path and
OWN who you are, you learn that shining bright isn’t about perfection; it’s about authenticity, courage, and living in your truth. When you shine, you become the best version of yourself.