Happy New Year and 2025! Welcome to the new year! How were the last days of 2024 for all of you? After Christmas, I was finally able to rest, slow down, re-ground myself, and get back into the daily routine of journaling. Fortunately, this year for me, I did not have to travel so that saved me a lot of time and energy! How many of you travelled and if you did, was it so fun? I know that a few people got to travel to warm, beachy, and sandy places. I am manifesting that next winter that I will be traveling for Christmas also!
What a year 2024 was! During my final days in 2024, I did a lot of the end of the year reflections and wrote down the lessons I learned, my gratitudes, blessings, and intentions that I will carry with me this year. My intent is to write another blog post to discuss why choosing intentions instead of creating goals will create long lasting impacts.
Most of you have been reading my blog since last year. You all have been literally with me as I forged my own path in 2024 and read my most inner thoughts, struggles, and how to not let these barriers keep you from OWNING your path.
I started my business in 2022 and when I first started, my goal was to see at least 20 clients a week at my private pay rate with 5 weeks off. That would have been the ultimate life for me.
However, as I saw that many clients including my contract work. I got depleted quickly due to all the extra things that I had to do as a business owner and also trying to network to connect with people.
Back then, I told myself that I didn’t need to be “BIG;" that I would settle and be satisfied with just “good” and “comfortable.” I didn’t need to think outside of the box since being a Therapist was a straight forward job and all I wanted to do was to help people.
Fast forward to 2025, and I have finally accepted and allowed myself to come to terms with many things that I didn’t think was possible or what other people said weren't feasible for me. As many of you know, I am the daughter of refugees that came to this country in 1979. All my parents wanted for me was to find a stable career, settle down, and have a life that was consistent and predictable.
I did live that life and found that I got bored, questioned what my purpose in life was, why I kept wanting more, and was I doomed to never be satisfied with my lot in life? For the longest time, people kept telling me that I was a lost soul and at first, I would be so offended by this! I WAS NOT a lost soul, I just knew that I wasn’t living my life’s purpose as a Social Worker.
Now, that I think about it. I was a lost soul; to be honest, so many of us have never allowed ourselves to think about what we want. Our education system basically teaches and trains us to have a functioning job where we can give back to society. Is this bad? Not necessarily but it certainly does not allow us to think for ourselves and find our life’s true purpose.
I was told that I had to be realistic, especially when you grew up poor or in a household that did not have a lot of resources. Oftentimes, as children of immigrants, refugees, or first generation college students, we had to be realistic and had to choose careers that allowed us to find a stable career because our parents didn’t have the same opportunities as we did. They’re relying on us to finally not only give ourselves but them the stability also.
How many of you have been told that what you want is a fantasy and not real? That you’re a dreamer and that you need to come back to reality because that’s how the “real” world works? How does it make you feel when you hear this? Defeated? Silly? Stupid? I know I have felt all the words that I just described.
As children, we are encouraged to dream and were told that we can be and do whatever we want. As a kid, everyone supports your dreams and empowers you by saying “you can do this!”
Where is the empowerment that we need as adults? Where have all the encouragement and hopeful words gone? As a society, we think that only children deserve love, support, and encouragement but as adults, we also need these kind words. We need kindness, love, and empowerment so we can thrive to create the life that we want.
So many of my clients come to see me because they’re not living the life that they had hoped or wanted to. They’re in survival mode and their goal is to get through the week to have two days of rest. Most of us here in the USA are expected to do this until we’re almost 70 years old until we are fortunate enough to retire(if we live this long).
I get it. We live in a capitalistic society and money, unfortunately, is everything. The sad truth is having money gives you resources, power, and the ability to choose how you get to live your life. Money is a powerful tool that can change anyone’s life.
Now, I’m not here to tell you that money isn’t important. I’m not going to BS by telling all of you that money doesn’t make you happy; on the contrary, having money can make all of us very happy by providing us with stable foundations so we don’t have to worry.
Money, resources, and other tools can help us turn our dreams into reality. Now, do you have to have money to make this happen? It certainly does help and yet, many of us are not born or given this foundation.
If we’re not born into this, does this mean that we can’t make it happen? Certainly not. When you’re ready to forge your own path, you can MAKE anything happen if you believe in yourself, remain consistent, and surround yourself with the right people. Will this be easy? HELL NO! As with anything that is talked about in this blog, anything that you truly want is never easy, especially if you are not born into privilege.
Can you create your reality? Live the life that you truly want? I’m going to tell you that you can! Now, I know that I am sounding like one of those infomercials that you see during the middle of the night trying to sell you something. I assure you, I am not trying to sell you anything. All I am doing is empowering you to forge your own path by creating your reality; here steps to take make this happen:
Define Your Dream Life: Foremost, imagine what your ideal life looks like in all aspects holistically and this includes your career, relationships, health, finances, and personal growth. What aspects of your dream life are important to you?
Identify Your Core Values: Your values will help determine what you truly want and what matters to you. Do you want freedom? What does this mean to you? Working from all over the world? Working from home? Having a boss or not having one? Identify what your values are to help you build your foundations.
Visualize in Detail of Your Dream Life: We’ve all dreamed and fantasize about a life that seems impossible. Instead of dreaming the impossible, start visualizing the possible! Picture yourself living that life. What do you feel, see, and experience? Start BELIEVING and acting like this life is already yours.
Align with Your Purpose: A great question to ask yourself is “What makes me feel alive and aligned?" What is your purpose? Do you want to help others? Teach? What is your why? Reflect on your passions, skills, and the impact you want to make and pursue activities that bring fulfillment and meaning to your life.
Cultivate a Growth Mindset: You’ve all seen me say this over and over and I’m going to reinforce this again.
IT'S ALL ABOUT YOUR MINDSET! Part of this is learning to embrace challenges. View “failures” as learning curves and as opportunities to modify and pivot. Most importantly, reframe from limiting beliefs!
Start replacing statements of "I can't" with "How can I?" Also, focus on solutions, not problems. YOU ARE YOUR SOLUTION.
Take Consistent and Intentional Action: Remember this,
"The life I want is built one step at a time." So many people won’t start because they can’t imagine starting small. Too many people want to be big or make it big right away. We’ve all heard the statement, “Go BIG or go home.” In order to be sustainable, start small and break your big dreams into daily habits and actions. Most importantly,
STAY CONSISTENT. Make it a commitment to making progress every day, no matter how small or how many likes or comments you may get or not get. Show up for yourself!
Manage Your Time Wisely: It’s all about time and making time. Sure you can watch another episode of The Real Housewives (No shade to housewives fans) but it is essential to start prioritizing activities that align with your dream life. Eliminate distractions or commitments that don’t serve your vision. Now, does this mean that you shouldn’t take time to watch The Housewives? Certainly not! You can reward yourself after you have completed the tasks that need to be completed. Enjoy away!
Surround Yourself with Support: Truly one of the most important aspects of creating your reality is who you choose to surround yourself with! Here is a reminder: Energy is contagious—choose your company wisely. When you’re ready to create your reality, building a network with connections can make you. Ensure that you connect with people who inspire and support your journey. The right people will uplift and empower you. One of the things that I had to learn early on is not to ask people for feedback who WERE NOT doing what I was doing. They often had the most opinions, feedback, and more often than not, told me “that’s not going to work.” Now, I choose to learn and ask from those who are doing it and who’ve achieved similar dreams.
There is so much more that can be mentioned but these are some core considerations to take into account when you’re ready to create your reality! Creating your reality involves aligning your daily actions, mindset, and choices with your deepest desires and values.
Forging your own path and OWNING YOUR REALITY can happen. One of the things that I had to learn the hard way is that not everyone is going to cheer you on or support you when you decide that you’re going to create the life you want. Just because you’re excited, motivated, and empowered, there are some people (who may be the ones closest to you) will try to dissuade you and make mean, judgmental, comments to shut you down. Don’t let them HATERS stop you!
A reminder Darlings, when you’re ready to create your reality, moving in silence, allowing your work, and actions to speak for themselves will have more substance than showing off on social media. Now, am I saying not to use social media? Not at all. What I mean is allow your professional work to be shown. As you create your reality, not all parts of you need to be advertised to the world. Show the parts that will give you professional growth. Keep your personal and professional life separate so that there are boundaries. Otherwise,