Happy first week of March! I don’t know about all of you but I am so ready for spring! I’m ready to put away my boots and start wearing my sandals (I wear open toe shoes at 50 degrees). I hope you all had a restful weekend by doing NOTHING. We live in a world where we are told that we have to be productive all the damn time, to feel guilty for resting, that we’re lazy if we choose to care for ourselves. Well, that is all bullshit. As the weather gets warmer, being outside, feeling grounded and centered is going to be essential as we prepare for the busy season of spring and other spring and warm weather related activities!
If you have been reading and following my blog, I so appreciate it! I’m excited that I have new subscribers! Thank you for subscribing to my blog! I have to be honest, some days, I wonder why I am doing this and question if anyone is actually reading my blog. Then I get that one, or two, or three people that tell me that they are reading my blog! Then I remind myself that it’s all worth it! My whole purpose in writing this blog is to help women like you who are ready to start living for themselves and need a little bit of guidance to forge their own path in life.
If you have been reading my blog, my first blog discussed the foundation of forging your own path, which focuses on boundaries. Next, I discussed letting go of relationships that are holding you back, challenging the status quo of society, checking your own boxes of success, and then healing from trauma. It all sounds so easy and linear right? Haha! Unfortunately, if only that was the case! When you’re ready to forge your own path in life, you will face a lot of challenges, adversaries, and shit that will try to block you from truly living your life to the fullest and sadly, some of blockages will be the people closest to you.
When you decide that you no longer want to live in the same cycles, being surrounded by toxicity and negativity, wanting to follow your dreams and passion, the people closest to you will initially support you, cheer you on, and encourage you. As you start your journey, you tell them your struggles, how some days you want to give up, cave in, because changing and forging your own path is hard. The feedback may be positive, may be ambiguous, or down right negative where you question if the path that you’re on is just too difficult.
But because you believe in yourself, have faith, keep going, make sacrifices, and don’t give up, the results start happening. You are getting more work, you’re doing well in school, you’re losing weight, you stop drinking, smoking, you quit your toxic shitty job to start a business, and you are THRIVING. The people closest to you start noticing your vibe, your confident aura, the way you carry yourself with pride, how you dress, the new choices you make, the connections and new people you surround yourself with because you decided that you wanted to be BETTER for you. You observe that when you are around the closest people to you who decided not to change for the betterment for themselves, they bitch and complain about the same old shit, repeat the same patterns over and over, and have no desire to change their circumstances, you start questioning why you’re even around them. Their negativity drains you and quite honestly, you felt that you LOST SOME BRAIN CELLS when you’re around them. Their words of positivity and encouragement are now undermining, they make little jabs and comments about how you’ve changed, and that you don’t need to work so hard because it’s not good for you. For some reason their words seem sour and bitter even though they try to mask it by saying “it's just a joke.” You however, know that their words came from being bitter and resentful for all the rewards that you earned due to your tenacity.
When you start doing well in life, work, health, spiritually, financially, and other areas of life, YOU WILL HAVE HATERS. This is one of the signs that you made it. Having haters signifies that you’re doing something right and people can’t stand that you didn’t make excuses, blame the world, and allowed your circumstances to define you. You said fuck that and CHOSE YOUR OWN PATH AND DESTINY. So how do you deal with haters and live your best life?
When you love yourself, believe in you, bet on your present and future, not everyone is going to stand by you. These people showed their true colors and don’t deserve to be part of your success and happiness. Haters will be resentful, jealous, envious, backstab, and talk shit behind you because they will always be steps behind you (and they know that). So rejoice, be fabulous, and let the haters hate, hate, hate, while you’re glowing, thriving, and living an abundant life! Get it QUEEN!